A Technology Marketplace for eCommerce & Marketing Leaders

Where eCommerce and Marketing professionals go to compare and contrast vendors for their specific needs.

Evaluate Solutions in 4 Easy Steps

Squarely aggregates and organizes Technology Solutions in one marketplace so that buyers can easily find solutions to their specific needs. Then enables them to validate which solutions are the best fit for their needs, without engaging with sales until they are ready.


Choose a Category
Choose a category that most closely aligns with your needs


Review & Select Vendors
Read detailed information on vendors and select which ones you would like to compare


Submit Your Vendors
Once we receive them, we will set you up with access to our evaluation engine


Compare Solutions

Utilize our evaluation engine to rank questions and score answers. In return, receive match scores for each vendor and compare them side-by-side. Then reach out to only the vendors you wish to meet with via the contact information on each vendors detail page.


Curated by Squarely

The latest news, tips and industry resources.

In an era where personalization and efficient use of digital real estate are paramount, e-commerce...
#Seans Best Posts #Test Assign Category To Vendor Category
H2 heading lorem ipsum dolor H2 heading lorem ipsum dolor For context, I have been...
Nunc accumsan sapien nec libero elementum efficitur. Suspendisse porttitor erat metus, et dignissim turpis facilisis...
Mauris diam orci, suscipit vitae purus vel, feugiat aliquam erat. Aenean lobortis blandit mi, sit...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas justo ex, venenatis ac viverra sed,...